Sunday, June 3, 2007

Free Hugs

37oC 是人体的溫度, 那人心灵的溫度是多少?

他站在悉尼的街头,挙着Free Hugs的牌子, 望着每一个走過他身边的人,男女老少。画面是安静的深灰色,一如他绝望的眼神。忽然,一个已经走过的老太太突然停了下来,转身,向他伸出了双手,给他一个大大的拥抱。就在这个时候,画面亮起来了,世界亮起来了。


从未见过一面的人,就这样拥着你,仿佛你听见结冰的湖面上 “呵啦”一声,有些东西被触动了,有人哭了,也有人笑了,即使只是那一刻,即使只是陌生人,人们在37oC的身体里,找到了心灵的温度。

拥抱2007,拥抱自己,给拥抱一次机会,或者你可以抱一抱在你身边非常熟悉的人,你很了解他的想法,你很明白他的心情,但你不曾给他一个拥抱。“可以抱一抱你吗?” 或者一株红色玫瑰就这样悄悄开在沙漠上。


Thursday, May 24, 2007

Times fly...

Our elder daughter, Xin Tian. Times fly with a blink of eyes. It was like yesterday when she was still tiny like Xin He. She loves to dance. When the music plays, she sways left right and turns circles, sometimes she falls, sometimes she laughs, sometimes she cries, sometimes she kisses and hugs you, sometimes she smacks you on your face pulling your spectacles away, sometimes she wants you to carry her, sometimes she wants to walk by her own, sometimes she says arci kuku (merci beaucoup), sometimes thank you, sometimes xie xie, sometimes sorry, sometimes just on her own and doesn't bother to give you a damn response...

Friday, May 18, 2007

Sun Bathing

Little Xin He enjoying her sun bath. This help to fight against jaundice. Jaundice, comes from the French word jaune, means yellow.
This is how we link to our universe. We need our sun for food, energy and to fight against Jaundice. In one of a billion chances, mother earth is formed to nurish life forms, in one of a billion chances, our grandparents met to give birth to our parents then our parents to us then us to Xin He and Xin Tian. Every soul is such a rare coincidence. Every life is meant to be celebrated!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Arrival of our second daughter

Xin He, the name we call her, arriving at 0511 hours on a nice, exciting Thursday dawn. The date was 10-May-2007.

This is the first we went through a natural birth together. Our elder one was borned ceasarian. It's indeed an exciting journey for both of us. With real "PAIN" and laughter. :)

Our lucky daughter started her modeling career on the second day of her birth, helping parents to learn ways to bath their new-born.

Sharing our joy with you,

Yee & Yen